Happy Chinese New Year
The NHE online shop sale up to 25% off!! NHE organic herbal tea products series are the best choice for you to present your friends or...

Hibiscus Tea
Hibiscus tea is made from deep red calyxes of the hibiscus flower that is rich in anthocyanins, fruit acids, vitamins, minerals, amino...

Welcome - Vitafoods Asia 2017 - The global nutraceutical event
For the seventh year running, Vitafoods Asia is the only dedicated event for nutraceutical, functional food and beverages, and dietary...

黄绿蜜环菌[Armillaria luteo-virens(Aalb.et Schw:Fr.)Sacc.],又名黄蘑菇,皇菇、黄环菌,是一种名贵食用菌,也是一种重要的高原生物资源,主产于青海玉树、祁连地区,西藏的亚东帕里、邦达、堆龙德钦及珠穆朗玛峰区。自然生长范围在海拔32...